Monday, July 7, 2014

Copy Inventory Organization

Copy Inventory Organization in Oracle Apps is used to create a new inventory organization from exiting model organization. You can create multiple Inventory organizations with very little effort which is otherwise very tedious process during implementation.

You can optionally copy Organization Definition, Shipping network, Item and its attributes, Department, Resources, Routings, BOM.

Please note Subinventories, Locators, WIP Parameters, WIP accounting classes, Planning Parameters, and Shipping Parameters data from your model organization are always copied.

Copy Inventory Organization works only within same operating unit and new org created under same Business group, Operating unit, Legal entity and Ledger as that of model organization.


1) Please define at least one inventory organization and all its steps. Please note you cannot use master organization as Model organization.
2) It is recommended to complete BOM setups if you want to copy that also
3) Location for new inventory organization. We will use "Test Location" in our demonstration.

1) Maintain Interface
2) Launch Organization Copy Program

Step 1) Maintain Interface step is used to put the data in Copy Inventory Organization interface tables.

Navigate to Inventory>Setup>Organization>Organization Copy>Maintain Interface

# Group Code: This is used to identify new org code and is one of the mandatory parameter Copy Organization Program. You can define multiple records under this Group Code.
# Organization Name: Please enter a name for new organization which will be created after running Copy Organization Program
# Organization Code: This is used to identify new org
# Location Name: Location for the new org. As mentioned before, we will use "Test Location" in our demonstration.

Now click on Populate Interface Table. A Confirmation Message will be displayed.

After Clicking ok, you can enter another inventory org which you want to create and use this form as many times as you want. You can also use this form to find previous records entered e.g,

The Status field here shows the status after running the program (Whether it is successful or failed). Blank mean the records are yet to be processed.

Step 2) Launch Organization Copy Program

Next step is to populate base tables by running Launch Organization Copy Program.

#Take model Organization as M1
#Group Code: use "Copy Test"
#Assign to Exiting Organization:  If yes, then new org will be assigned to same hierarchy as model org.
#Copy Shipping Networks: If yes the model org shipping network setup copied to new org.
#Copy Item: If yes, all item assigned to model org copied to new org
# Validate Item: Used to check inconsistencies before copied to new org.
# Copy BOM: BOM and its parameters will get copied to new org
# Copy Routings: If defined in model org, all departments, Resources and Routings will be copied to new org
# Purge: If yes then group code will be purged after running this program.

Click OK and Submit


Friday, July 4, 2014

Concurrent Program or User Priority

Sometime it happens in our support environment that end users complain about request taking time to execute or concurrent program performance is slow.

Here are two methods by which you can resolve such issues

Method 1 : Suppose a program taking time and all users complain about it. To resolve such issue you can use priority field concurrent program definition form.

The default priority of each concurrent program is 50. So if you want some program to be executed on priority then you can enter Priority (1 to 99) in concurrent program form.

Navigate to Sysadmin>Program>Concurrent>Program>Define and query for the Concurrent program

Concurrent Program Priority
Concurrent Program Priority

Method 2: Suppose only a single user complains about that when he or she submit request it take more time.

In that case you can increase the priority of that user. Navigate to System profile options and query for "Concurrent:Request Priority" Profile option at user level.

User Priority
User Priority

The default value is 50. Set this profile option between 1 to 99 based on your requirement.


Thursday, July 3, 2014

How To Login in Multiple Accounts Of Same Oracle Instance Simultaneously

Sometimes you want to open multiple login of same Instance. For example suppose you are testing a PO approvals cycle. Its really frustrating to first open buyer login to create & submit PO for approval and then again logout/login with supervisor account to approve the PO.

There can be multiple thing for which you want to open multiple login accounts of same instance.

I will show you how you can achieve the same. This is valid only for internet explorer

Step 1) Navigate to Internet Explorer on Desktop

Step 2) Right Click and Select Properties.

Step 3) Select Shortcut tab and in Target add space –nomerge after iexplore.exe" as shown below

"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" -nomerge

Please note even with -nomerge option, you still have to open new IE8 window (not a new tab in the same browser window) to access different account.


Oracle Inventory Interview Questions

What is an item?
Answer: An item is a part or services where you can Purchase, Sell, Plan, Manufacture, Stock, Distribute and Prototype. Items can also be containers for items as well as components you build into other items.

Explain Item Master Organization?
Answer: An item master organization is a logical entity where you define the item. After you define an item in the item master, you can assign it to any number of other organizations.

Define Inventory Organization?
Answer: It is a facility which will enable you to store and transact the items. It can be a manufacturing unit, ware house, distribution center etc.

What is a subinventory?
Answer: Subinventiries are unique physical or logical separations of material inventory. These can be raw material, finished goods or defective material subinventory. You must define at least one subinventory. Subinventories are of two types: Storage and Receiving.
Storage subinventories are intermediate or final put away locations for material. Material that resides in a storage subinventory appears in on hand quantity, and is tracked by the system. The system can book orders against, and use manufacturing processes on material that resides in a storage subinventory. You must define at least one storage subinventory for your implementation.
Receiving type subinventory is only used for receiving items. Items in this subinventories cannot be on-hand or reserved

In which table does the subinventory related information for an item is stored?

What is a stock locator?
Answer: Locators are structures within subinventories. Locators are the third level in the enterprise structuring scheme of Oracle Inventory. Locators may represent rows, racks, or bins in warehouses. You can transact items into and out of locators. You can restrict the life of locators, establish capacity of a specific locator in weight or units, as well as specify dimensions which define a locator’s capacity by volume.

What are the Key flex fields in oracle Inventory?
Answer: Oracle Inventory provides the following flexfields:
System Items, Item Catalogs, Item Categories, Stock Locators, Account Alias and Sales Order

What are the basic steps involved in defining an item?

  • Create an item in the item master form.
  • Copy the template from the tools menu to assign specific attributes to the item and save it.
  • Assign the item to a category from tools menu and save your work
  • Select organization assignment from tools menu and assign the item to different inventory organizations by ticking the checkbox next to the inventory organizations.

What are item attributes?
Answer: Item attributes are the collection of information about an item. These are used to store specific characteristics of an item, such as item status, unit of measure, revision control, etc. these can be controlled at either the master or the organization level. These attributes are stored in a table named MTL_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES

What is the use of item template?
Answer: An Item template is a set of attributes that enable the user to quickly create an Item. You can use the existing templates are you can create your custom template.

What is an item category and category set?
Answer: A category is a logical classification of items that have similar characteristics.
A category set is a distinct grouping scheme and consists of multiple categories. An item can belong to any number of category sets. We can assign item to one category within each category set. The categories can be retrieved from the table ‘MTL_CATEGORIES_B‘ and item category set from‘MTL_CATEGORY_SETS_B’.

Explain unit of measure (UOM) and UOM class?
Answer: The unit of measure (UOM) helps us count the number of items involved in a transaction or the number of items that are stored in a subinventory or a locator.
UOM classes let you group different UMO’s into one category. Eg, quantitycould be a UOM class under which each, dozen, lot etc are separate UOM’s.

Explain shipping method?
Answer: Shipping methods are the way you ship material. When you create a shipping method, you must enable it before you can use it in a shipping network. If you disable a shipping method, it cannot be used in a shipping network.

Describe Interorganization Shipping Networks?
Answer: An inter-organization shipping network describes the relationships and accounting information between a shipping organization and a destination organization. You must define a shipping network between two organizations before you can transfer material between organizations. When you set up a shipping network you must select a transfer type:Intransit or Direct.

Intransit: Oracle Inventory moves material to an intermediary state before it reaches the destination organization. After the material arrives at the destination organization, you will need a receipt transaction to retrieve it. If intransit is selected, you can define: Shipping Methods, GL Accounts to use in transit, Material ownership during transfer, Planning lead times and Transfer Charges

Direct: Oracle Inventory moves the material directly to the destination organization. However, for both      transfer types, you can determine default receipt routing and whether internal orders are required to transfer material

In which tables are the transactional details are stored?

What is revision control in Oracle Inventory?
Answer: A revision is a particular version of an item, bill of material, or routing. Revision control is normally enabled for identifying a modified item. Item can be placed under revision control by checking the box `Revision control` in Inventory tab while defining new item or for existing item. Base table for Item Revision is MTL_ITEM_REVISIONS.

What is Picking Order of Subinventory or Locator? Where will you define the order?
Answer: The value indicates the priority with which we pick items from subinventory or Locator, relative to another subinventory or locator, where a given item resides. A picking order of  means that order entry functions pick items from the subinventory or locator before others with a higher number (such as 2,3 and so on). The subinventory order is defined in the subinventory definition and the locator order is defined in the locator definition. The default order for both the subinventory and the locator are defined in the organization.

What are the different inventory transactions?
Answer: A transaction is an item movement within, into or out of inventory. A transaction changes the quantity and location of an item
The following are the different inventory transactions:
  • Receive an item into an organization from GL account number
  • Issue an item from an organization into a GL account number
  • Transfer items from one subinventory to other in the same organization.
  • Transfer of items between various inventory organizations
  • Reservation of items

Describe various inventory transactions?
Answer: Miscellaneous transaction: This transaction is used to do adjustments in stock due to damage, obsolescence, issuing items for R & D or issuing track able expense items.
Subinventory transfer: This transaction is used to transfer goods from one subinventory to another within the same inventory organization.
InterORG transfer: This transaction is used to transfer goods from one inventory organization to another.
Receiving transaction: This transaction is used to move goods from receiving dock to specified subinventory and locator.
Sales issue: This transaction is used to move goods from pick subinventory to staged subinventory.
WIP issue: This transaction is used to issue materials against production orders

What is the difference between a subinventory transfer and a move order?
Answer: Both these transactions are used for the movement of items from one subinventory to the other. The difference is that move order generates a pick slip and a subinventory transfer doesn’t.
Move order requires ‘approval’. Also, move orders create allocations. So you can place hold on the material with the intention of picking it up a little later. In subinventory transfer, there is no reservation / allocation.

What are the Components used in Customizing a Transaction?
Answer: The following are the three components used in a transaction
Transaction Source Type
Transaction Action
Transaction Type
A Transaction Source Type and a Transaction Action come together to form a Transaction Type.

What is a Transaction source type?
A Transaction Source Type is defined as an entity against which Oracle Inventory charges a transaction. The following transaction source types come seeded with Oracle Inventory:
Purchase Order
Account Alias
Move Order
Internal Order
Standard Cost Update
Internal Requisition
Sales Order
Cycle Count
Periodic Cost Update
Physical Inventory
RMA (Return Material Authorization)
Job or Schedule

What is a transaction type?
Answer: A transaction type is a combination of a transaction source type and a transaction action. It is used to classify a particular transaction for reporting and querying purposes. Ex:
Sales order issue (txn type) + issue from stores (txn action) = sales order (txn source type)
Move order transfer (txn type) + subinventory transfer (txn action) = move order (txn source type)

Name any four purposes where miscellaneous transaction can be used?
Answer: Cycle count adjustment, Physical inventory adjustment, adjusting inventory quantity within an inventory organization and decrementing on-hand balances from a subinvemtory

Explain inventory control?
Answer: Inventory Control is the process by which inventory is measured and regulated according to predetermined norms such as economic lot size for order or production, safety stock, minimum level, maximum level, order level etc.

What are the objectives of inventory control?
Answer: To meet unforeseen future demand due to variation in forecast figures and actual figures.
To average out demand fluctuations due to seasonal or cyclic variations.
To meet the customer requirement timely, effectively, efficiently, smoothly and satisfactorily.
To smoothen the production process.
To facilitate intermittent production of several products on the same facility.
To gain economy of production or purchase in lots.
To reduce loss due to changes in prices of inventory items.
To meet the time lag for transportation of goods.
To meet the technological constraints of production/process.

What are the factors that affect inventory control?
Type of product
Type of manufacture
Volume of production

Define ABC analysis?
Answer: ABC analysis determines the relative value of a group of inventory items based on a user specified valuation criterion.
This technique divides inventory into three categories A, B & C based on their annual consumption value.
It is also known as Selective Inventory Control Method (SIM). Click here for more on ABC Analysis

What is consignment inventory?
Answer: Consignment Inventory is inventory that is in the possession of the customer, but is still owned by the supplier. In other words, the supplier places some of his inventory in his customer’s possession (in their store or warehouse) and allows them to sell or consume directly from his stock. The customer purchases the inventory only after he has resold or consumed it. The key benefit to the customer should be obvious; he does not have to tie up his capital in inventory. This does not mean that there are no inventory carrying costs for the customer; he does still incur costs related to storing and managing the inventory

What are the different planning methods available in Oracle?
Answer: Re-order point planning
Min-Max planning
Kanban cards
Subinventory replenishment planning

When should the material be ordered?
When on-hand quantity + supply – demand is less than safety stock (safety stock is nothing but minimum inventory level)
[On-hand quantity] + [supply] – [demand] < [min inventory level]

Explain re-order point planning?
Answer: Reorder point planning uses demand forecasts to decide when to order a new quantity to replenish inventory. Reorder point planning suggests a new order for an item when the available quantity (on-hand quantity plus planned receipts) drops below the item’s safety stock level plus forecast demand for the item during its replenishment lead-time. The suggested order quantity is an economic order quantity that minimizes the total cost of ordering and carrying inventory. Oracle Inventory can automatically generate requisitions to inform your purchasing department that a replenishment order is required to supply your organization.
If the forecast is correct and the order arrives on time, the inventory level should be right at the safety stock level at the time of receipt. In cases where the desired safety stock level changes during the order lead time, Oracle Inventory uses the largest safety stock quantity during the lead-time.
When an order is triggered, the EOQ is the size of the triggered order.
EOQ = square root of: [(2 X annual demand X order cost) / (carrying cost percent X Unit cost)]
Oracle Inventory calculates annual demand as the current demand rate annualized by multiplying the current period demand forecast by the number of periods per year (2 or 3).
Reorder point planning can be performed at the organization level only.

Explain min-max planning technique?
Answer: Min-Max planning is a tool for planning inventory that looks at user-defined minimum and maximum inventory levels. It does not consider lead times. We can perform this technique at org level or subinventory level. Click here for complete cycle

Define cycle counting and explain its use in oracle inventory?
Answer: Cycle Counting is a process of periodic counting of individual item / all the items throughout the course of the year to ensure the accuracy of inventory quantities and values.
We can do the cycle counting at Organization / Sub Inventory Level.
Cycle count is used to:
To reconcile system on-hand balances with actual counts in inventory
Maintain control over the items that have higher value

When do you perform physical inventory and explain the steps involved in it?
Answer: Physical inventory can be performed, whenever there is a need to verify the accuracy of system on-hand quantities. This can be done for entire organization or can be confined to a specific subinventory.
Steps to perform physical inventory:
Define physical inventory
Take a snapshot of system on-hand quantities
Generate physical inventory tags
Enter counts
Do physical inventory adjustments by approving or rejecting
Post adjustments

Purge physical inventory information

Oracle PO Interview Questions

1.   What is a Purchase Requisition and define various requisitions
It is a formal request intended to procure/buy something that is needed by the organization. It is created and approved by the department requiring the goods and services.
A purchase requisition typically contains the description and quantity of the goods or services to be purchased, a required delivery date, account number and the amount of money that the purchasing department is authorized to spend for the goods or services. Often, the names of suggested supply sources are also included.
Basically, requisitions are of two types:
Internal requisition and purchase requisition
Internal Requisitions are created if the Items are to be obtained from one Inventory location to another location within the same organization. Here the source of the requisition would be INVENTORY. There is no approval process for internal requisition.
Purchase Requisitions are created if the goods are obtained from external suppliers. Here the source of the requisition would be SUPPLIERS. The purchase requisitions are sent for approvals.

2.   What are the base tables for a Purchase Requisition?
PO_REQUISITION_HEADERS_ALL (SEGMENT1 column in this table represents the requisition number)
This table stores Header information of a Purchase Requisition.
Important columns of this table:
REQUISITION_HEADER_ID:                     It is a unique system generated Requisition identifier
PREPARER_ID:                                         It is a unique identifier of the employee who prepared  the requisition
SEGMENT1:                                             It is the Requisition number
AUTHORIZATION_STATUS:                      Authorization status type
TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE:                            Requisition type
ORG_ID:                                                  Unique Operating unit unique identifier
This table stores information about Requisition lines in a Purchase Requisition. This table stores information related to the line number, item number, item category, item description, item quantities, units, prices, need-by date, deliver-to location, requestor, notes, and suggested supplier information for the requisition line.
Important columns of this table:
REQUISITION_HEADER_ID:               It is a unique system generated Requisition identifier
LINE_NUM:                                        Indicates the Line number
LINE_TYPE_ID:                                   Indicates the Line type
CATEGORY_ID:                                   Unique Item category identifier
ITEM_DESCRIPTION:                          Description of the Item
QUANTITY NUMBER:                         Quantity ordered
This table stores information about the accounting distributions of a requisition line. Each requisition line must have at least one accounting distribution. Each row includes the Accounting Flexfield ID and Requisition line quantity.
Important columns of this table:
DISTRIBUTION_ID:                               Unique Requisition distribution identifier
REQUISITION_LINE_ID:                        Unique Requisition line identifier
CODE_COMBINATION_ID:                    Unique General Ledger charge account identifier
DISTRIBUTION_NUM:                           Distribution number

3.   What is a Requisition Import Program?
It is a concurrent program, which is used to import requisition from Oracle or Non-Oracle system.
Data is first loaded in PO_REQUISITION_ALL table. The RIP can then be run, to import the records from the interface table as requisition in Oracle Processing.
RIP creates a requisition line and one or more requisition distribution for each row it finds in the interface table. It then groups these lines on Requisitions according to parameters defined

4.   What tables are affected when you run Requisition Import Program?

5.   What are the reports associated with requisition import process?
Requisition Import Run Report: We can view the number of requisitions created and the number of records that showed an error
Requisition Import Exceptions Report: In this report we can see all the rows that fail validation.

6.   When will you use a Requisition Template?
Requisition templates can be used to help you quickly create requisitions. A requisition template contains much of the information needed to create a requisition, thus reducing the amount of data entry required to create a new requisition. If you find yourself repeatedly creating similar requisitions for your group or department, you should consider creating and saving requisition templates as a time-saver.
If the data of requisition remain the same for repeated purchase of an item, the information can be copied to a template and the same can be copied to the Requisition as many number of times as required.

7.   What is the purpose of choosing a Category when creating a requisition?
The Category box is a required field and is used to define goods and services at a summary or detailed level.

8.   What does the status pre-approved mean?
Pre-Approved is the status of a requisition when an authorized approver has approved the requisition and has forwarded the requisition to another individual to review.

9.   What is the difference between a rejected and a returned requisition?
Only an approver or a reviewer can reject requisition. Only a buyer can return a requisition. A buyer will return a requisition to the preparer for incomplete or inaccurate information.

10.   What is RFQ and differentiate the types of RFQ’s
Request for Quotation (RFQ) is a formal request sent to the suppliers to find the pricing and other information for an item or items. Based on the information supplied, the supplier quotes a quotation against the RFQ form.
In general, RFQ’s are created before purchasing any item to actually know the price quotes from one or more suppliers.
In Oracle EBS, RFQ’s can be auto created from an existing Purchase Requisition or can be a fresh RFQ.
There are three types of quotations and RFQs that come with Purchasing by default:
·         Catalog: Used for high-volume items or items for which your supplier sends you information regularly. A Catalog quotation or RFQ also includes price breaks at different quantity levels.
·         Standard: Used for items you’ll need only once or not very often, but not necessarily for a specific, fixed quantity, location, and date. For example, you could use a Catalog quotation or RFQ for office supplies, but use a Standard quotation or RFQ for a special type of pen you don’t order very often. A Standard quotation or RFQ also includes price breaks at different quantity levels.
·         Bid: Used for a specific, fixed quantity, location, and date. For example, a Bid would be used for a large or expensive piece of equipment that you’ve never ordered before, or for an item that incurs transportation or other special costs. You cannot specify price breaks for a Bid quotation or RFQ.

11.   What is a Quotation, what are the different types of Quotations available and describe the Quote Analysis?
A quotation is a supplier’s response to RFQ.
Quote analysis is the process of reviewing the quotations given by the suppliers. The best quotation will be selected by analyzing certain factors like price, quality, delivery time etc.

12.   What is a Purchase Order and explain the different types of PO’s available
A Purchase order is a commercial document and first official order issued by the buyer to the supplier, indicating types, quantities, and agreed prices for products or services the supplier will provide to the buyer.
Basically, there are four types of Purchase Orders, viz
Standard Purchase Order
Used for One-time purchases for goods and services. Here you know the item, price, payment terms an delivery schedule
Planned Purchase Order
Created when you have long-term agreement with the supplier. You must specify the details of goods and services, payment terms and the tentative delivery schedule
Blanket Purchase Agreement
Created when the details of items and services, payment terms are known but not specific about the delivery schedule
Contract Purchase Agreement
Created when the terms and conditions of a purchase are known but specific goods and services are not.

13.   What are the base tables that are affected when you create a P.O?
PO_HEADERS_ALL (SEGMENT1 column in this table represents the Document number)
This table stores header information of a Purchasing Document. You need one row for each document you create.
This table stores the line information of a Purchasing Document
This table contains the information related to purchase order shipment schedules and blanket agreement price breaks. You need one row for each schedule or price break you attach to a document line.
This table contains the information related to accounting distribution of a purchase order shipment line. You need one row for each distribution line you attach to a purchase order shipment
This table stores the general information about the suppliers
This table stores information about the supplier sites. Each row includes the site address, supplier reference, purchasing, payment, bank, and general information.
This table stores information related to planned and blanket Purchase Order releases. Each row includes the buyer, date, release status, and release number. Each release must have at least one purchase order shipment.
This table stores information about contacts related to Supplier site. Each row includes contact name and site.
This table stores information about the approval and control history of a Purchasing Document. This table stores one record for each approval or control action an employee takes on a purchase order, purchase agreement, release or requisition.

14.   What is 2-way, 3-way, 4-way matching?
Oracle Payables shares purchase order information from your purchasing system to enable online matching with invoices. Invoiced or billed items are matched to the original purchase orders to ensure that you pay only for the goods or services you ordered and/or received.
Two–Way: Purchase order and invoice quantities must match within tolerance before the corresponding invoice can be paid.
Three–Way: Purchase order, receipt, and invoice quantities must match within tolerance before the corresponding invoice can be paid.
Four–Way: Purchase order, receipt, accepted, and invoice quantities must match within tolerance before the corresponding invoice can be paid.

15.   Explain the P2P process flow
Procure to pay (p2p) is a process of requesting, purchasing, receiving, paying for and accounting for goods and services.  Procure to Pay Lifecycle is one of the important business Process in Oracle Applications. It’s the flow that gets the goods required to do business.  It involves the transactional flow of data that is sent to a supplier as well as the data that surrounds the fulfillment of the actual order and payment for the product or service.
Create a requisition>> create RFQ>> create a quotation from quote analysis>> generate a PO>>receipt of material>> create Invoice in payables>> transfer to GL

16.   What is an approval hierarchy?
Approval hierarchies let you automatically route documents for approval. There are two kinds of approval hierarchies in Purchasing: position hierarchy and employee/supervisor relationships.

17.   What are the documents that use PO_HEADERS_ALL?
The following are the documents that use PO_HEADERS_ALL
RFQ’s, Quotations, Standard Purchase Order, Planned Purchase Order, Blanket Purchase Order and Contracts

18.   Can the original Purchase Order be viewed in any way without resorting to SQL, for a revised Purchase Order?
The original version of a revised PO cannot be viewed from the PO form or PO summary form. Information on the original PO can be obtained from the PO_HEADERS_ARCHIVE and PO_LINES_ARCHIVE tables using the PO_HEADER_ID column as a common reference using SQL only.

19.   Can we automatically ‘Close’ the Purchase order without receiving the full quantity?
The Receipt Close Tolerance lets you specify a quantity percentage within which Purchasing closes a partially received shipment. For example, if your Receipt Close Tolerance is 5% and you receive 96% of an expected shipment, Purchasing automatically closes this shipment for receiving.

20.   When does a Purchase Order line get the Status ‘Closed for Receiving’?
Goods have been received on the system against this line but an invoice has not been
matched to the order.

21.   Can we match an Invoice against a line even when it is ‘Closed for Invoicing’?
The Close for invoicing status does not prevent you from matching an invoice to a purchase 
order or to a receipt.

22.   What does create internal order conc request do?
Create internal order request will transfer the IR info to OM interface tables.

23.   Explain the Receipt Routing
Receipt Routing is of three types: Direct, Standard and Inspection
In Direct once the goods arrive at the destination, we directly move them to a specific Sub-Inv
In Standard once the goods are at the destination, we receive it at the receiving point first and then move them to the Sub-Inv.
In Inspection once the goods are at the destination, we receive it at the receiving point and then we perform inspection and accordingly we either accept it or reject them.

24.  What are the different Purchasing modes in Receiving? 
There are three modes:
Online: Receipts are processed online. If there are any errors, they are shown on the FORM itself, and don’t let you IGNORE and PROCEED.
Immediate: Receipts are processed immediately, but no errors are shown. Errors are recorded in REC_TRANSACTION_INTERFACE table.
Batch: Receipts are processed in batch, but no errors are shown. Errors are recorded in REC_TRANSACTION_INTERFACE table.
Note: In all the above two cases, it requires Receiving Transaction Processor to be run periodically.

25.  Which tables are updated When you save a Received Data in a form?
RCV_SHIPMENT_HEADERS: It contains supplier shipment header data like Shipment date, supplier Name
RCV_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE It contains received data like Item name, quantity, and receiving location

26.  What are the major transactions in RECEIVING? 
Purchase Order Receipts
Internal Requisition Receipts
Inventory Inter-Org Transfer Receipts
Customer Return Receipts

27.   What is Pay on Receipt AutoInvoice Program?
By running this program, we can automatically create an invoice for a PO when we enter a receipt for the respective PO.

28.  What is Invoice Validation Process?
Before you can pay or create accounting entries for any invoice, the Invoice Validation process must validate the invoice.

Invoice Validation checks the matching, tax, period status, exchange rate, and distribution information for invoices you enter and automatically applies holds to exception invoices. If an invoice has a hold, you can release the hold by correcting the exception that caused Invoice Validation to apply the hold by updating the invoice or the purchase order, or changing the invoice tolerances.

Source : Internet


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